In a riveting and eye-opening conversation, Judge Napolitano and Max Blumenthal delve into the troubling events unfolding on American college campuses, particularly focusing on the suppression of free speech and the right to assemble. Blumenthal’s investigative prowess uncovers the alarming case of Rebecca Weiner, a Columbia professor who doubles as a Deputy Chief in the NYPD’s counterterrorism division. Weiner’s dual role raises serious questions about her allegiance to constitutional rights, as she fabricates claims to justify the militarized response to student protests. Blumenthal exposes Weiner’s history of spying on students and spreading disinformation, shedding light on the dangerous erosion of civil liberties under the guise of national security. This chilling discussion underscores the urgent need to safeguard fundamental freedoms in the face of authoritarian overreach.
#FreeSpeechUnderAttack #CampusSuppression #CivilLiberties #RebeccaWeiner #NYPD #Counterterrorism #ConstitutionalRights #StudentProtests #MaxBlumenthalInvestigation #Militarization #Disinformation #FirstAmendment #NationalSecurity #Authoritarianism #CollegeActivism #ColumbiaUniversity #JudgeNapolitano #PressFreedom #DemocracyInDanger